
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

To become President Sarah Palin

First off, I am not endorsing Sarah Palin here. That is not what this post is about. This is about strategy.

Sarah Palin is a lightning rod for the American left. Every time her name comes up, venom. Every time she appears, venom. Every time it is suggested she could run for president, there is a storm of fire and brimstone of biblical proportions from the left-wing media.

And it is for this very reason that Sarah Palin should not run for President in 2012.

Which begs the question, what am I talking about in terms of Sarah Palin actually being President?

It's simple: the long game.

Stephen Harper has shown how sometimes it is not the short game that guarantees victory but rather a long, strategic chess game that runs your opponents into the ground via their own efforts. Harper has been a master in giving the Liberals enough rope to hang themselves. As such, Sarah Palin may in fact be the perfect game changer from the same fold.

There is little doubt anywhere that November is going to be bad for the Democrats. They are polling worse than has ever been seen for midterms. The pulse of the American public is that Barack Obama has not only sold them a bill of goods but has done so by enacting policies that are so far-left as to be contrary to everything that the USA is built upon.

As such, Sarah Palin -- the only name that appears relevant in US Presidential politics -- has become the target. The Democrats are after her. The media is after her. They are using up all their powder to destroy her. And yet she has changed the outcomes of every US electoral race since 2008. She is a voice that people listen to. And the left-wingers know it.

My opinion is that her best strategy is to let the left use up their powder on her. Let them focus on her. Let them drive all their efforts towards her... and then not run in 2012. This will give her all the attention of the American public as the media will have driven the public attention to her in droves and she will have humbled herself by not running. And humility is a virtue that Americans respect.

This will give her the ability to shape the entire 2012 Presidential race and influence voters to vote for whomever she feels would be the best candidate. The media will have little credibility in launching an attack against somebody who isn't even running and it will dilute the message of their Obama-favored agenda. And if Obama is replaced by her choice for President, the US will respect her more than they are willing to listen to the media.

In 2020 when her choice for the US President finishes his/her term, Sarah Palin will be in the absolute surefire winning position of being able to run with little ability of the media to tarnish her even a little bit. Their powder for attacking her will be spent in 2012 and she will have used the focus on her to completely change the US perception of her.

And her winning the Presidency will be a walk in the park.

Of course, this is all conjecture. I'm not a political strategist. But from what I have seen in how Stephen Harper has gained more and more of the approval of the Canadian public in the face of widespread media and political attacks, all the while being Prime Minister... Sarah Palin using the media microscope to dilute their effectiveness all the while not vying for the top prize will destroy their agenda from the inside out.

This will give her the time to redefine the US public opinion of her the way Harper has amongst Canadians. That's the only thing standing between her and being POTUS.

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