
Saturday, September 25, 2010

What if Rob Ford was anti-immigrant?

Since the first debate where Rob Ford questioned the sustainability of Toronto's infrastructure with the population it already held, never mind any further growth, rival candidates and media pundits have been shouting from the roof tops that Rob Ford is anti-immigrant. By extension they have also linked him being anti-immigrant to the idea that he is racist.

Now, anybody who listened to what he said without a preconception that Rob Ford is Satan in disguise and therefore everything he says must be of the most villainous interpretations possible would know that he was not talking about immigration.

But let's say for a second that he was anti-immigrant. The big question from me would be: so what?

I'm a thirty-something, English speaking white male. I grew up in Dufferin County but only moved to the GTA a few years ago. That makes me an immigrant. Could it be gleamed from the interpretation of statements that in fact Rob Ford would be a racist for thinking it was a bad idea for me to move into Toronto with it's problems in infrastructure?

Of course not. Immigration is not about race. It's about population. It's a numbers focused question not a race question. As such, even if Rob Ford was speaking in an anti-immigrant tone, then it could not be considered racist.

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