
Saturday, September 11, 2010

The Truthers are still out there...

On my way into work yesterday I was listening to John Oakley on Talk640 and he had a guest who was going to debate any Truther out there. I didn't get to listen to that segment unfortunately as it would have been interesting.

I still can't believe that there are people out there buying the nonsense arguments that suggest 9/11 was an inside job, that the planes weren't planes, that United 93 was shot down, that the World Trade Center buildings were brought down by explosives and the lot. Even the most well thought out conspiracy about 9/11 can be explained typically by simple facts.

If you go to YouTube there's actually a great channel with videos that disprove every conspiracy theory you can think of that has been presented to suggest that 9/11 was anything but what we all know it really was. You can check it out here: TheTruthAbout911

But, I typically refer people to a fantastic argument that was made by Penn Jillette on Penn & Teller's Bullshit! whereby he says it like it is: the Watergate break-in disproves it all. After all, if the government couldn't hide a simple hotel break-in, how could they hide a conspiracy involving every single layer of government? Check it out here.

And as I mentioned in a previous posting, if 40,000 top secret documents about the War in Afghanistan can end up on Wikileaks, how is it that we haven't seen a single document indicating any government involvement in 9/11?

Some people need to find themselves something else to devote their time to. Maybe looking for cures to mental diseases?


The_Iceman said...

The theory is that the military shot a cruise missle at the Pentagon. The Pentagon is the headquarters of the military. Ergo, the theory is that the military attacked itself. There are plenty of high value targets that would upset Americans if hit by "fake terrorists". There is no good reason to attack your own command and control if the objective was to rally support to invade Iraq.

These people need therapy, especially Jesse Ventura.

Serena said...

And the big pieces of evidence they have for a missile being shot at the Pentagon was the fact that the hole in the side wasn't the size of the plane (based on the Wile E. Coyote puncture theory) and that there was no plane debris.

They also point out a cable spool on the ground outside the hole that upon inspection has an uncanny resemblance to the wheel of that specific model of plane.

Yeah... help is in order.

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