
Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Left's guilt in the burning of the Quran

It has been impossible to read the news this week and not come across the asinine antics of Rev. Terry Jones from Florida and his plans to burn copies of the Quran on the anniversary of 9/11. Thankfully most people -- including our PM Stephen Harper -- have spoken out against it as both intolerant and just plain stupid when one considers what the obvious reaction of the Muslim world will be.

And of course the left will try and portray this as just another example of how dangerous and bigoted the right is in general.

But let's not hold any illusions here: the left is responsible for this cavalier attitude towards religious symbols in the West.

It wasn't very long ago that artist Andres Serrano introduced the world to his Piss Christ, a picture of a crucifix submerged in his urine, or Chris Ofili rolled out his The Holy Virgin Mary, a mixture of the Virgin Mary, blaxploitation and female genitalia pictures and dung. And some of the more well-known figures in the left-wing community -- such as actress Susan Sarandon -- actually staged protests in defense of this desecration.

Sorry. My mistake. The left calls it art.

But where were the vast numbers of editorials deploring these exhibits? I do remember it being reported. Vilified in the editorials? A handful maybe. Vast amounts of media personalities endlessly talking about how shameful and bigoted an act it was? Not even close.

The media had ample opportunity to show principle in calling out bigots. They had ample opportunity to stand up and say that desecrating sacred articles is not only uncalled for but simply repulsive and inflammatory. Instead, they chose silence. Even though there was an outcry from the Christian community, they remained silent.

And we all know... As you sow so shall you reap.

The actions of Rev Terry Jones are in no doubt deplorable. But make no mistake. This could have been avoided if the political left had done the right thing all along and stood up against bigotry in all forms. The left could have stood with the right in saying that they will not stand for sacred symbols to be treated with disrespect.

For them to point fingers now is a little rich.


Lynn said...

The Left love to say,"you must support all free speech,even that which you find disagreeable",especially when it's a a hateful diatribe against Christians or Jews.

We were supposed to support "Piss Christ" and "Piss Pope" in the arts world,in the name of freedom of speech,but when Islam in mentioned, the Left forgets it's own rhetoric.

Burn the damned book,if it was a Bible or Torah,the Left wouldn't utter a peep,and if they truly believe in freedom,they're free to vociferously disagree with pastor Jones.


Robert McClelland said...

When you rolled out the 23 year old Piss Christ exhibit you should have realized at that point you were going nowhere with this.

KURSK said...

Yes, historical grievances should never be used to point out vilification when there are so many more modern examples to choose from..

Where to's one of the left's safest targets to bash. fear of Ishtar showing up at Starbucks with a rusty knife to separate the Latte sippers from their heads.

It's nice to know that 23 years is the time limit on a subject before it goes down the memory hole.

Thanks for pointing that out Robert. Where do you think your 'Fuck The Jews' comment will be in twenty years?

Serena said...

It's not a time limit. It's an indication of how long the left has been at it.

Marilyn Manson burned the Bible on stage in 2007. Is that recent enough for you Bobby?

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