
Thursday, September 9, 2010

"Do as I say, not as I do."

It amazes me that some of the same people who recognized the legal right of Muslims to build a mosque (community center... whatever) and said it was simply bad form and insensitive to do so are now defending Rev. Terry Jones and his Quran BBQ this Saturday, September 11th.

What does it say when we recognize the legal and human right of one group to do something while discouraging them not to do so out of sensitivity for others... but then turn right around and do the opposite to another group?

I thought we were better than that. I thought we were able to turn the other cheek. I thought we did unto others what we would have them do unto us.

Rev. Terry Jones (no, not the Monty Python comic) does have a legal right in the United States to burn books. And the left have certainly defended vigorously the right of people to desecrate sacred symbols so we're already well aware that he can do so. The question is, should he?

If you think Muslims should show a little sensitivity and not build near Ground Zero, defending Rev. Jones makes you a two-faced hypocrite. Nothing less.


Anonymous said...

The left has taken this sort of hypocrisy to the extreme. Any sort of criticism against Islam, even valid is immediately attacked and the perpetrators demonized.

Yet when one looks at the acts committed against Christians, or many other groups, they are either ignored, or the Christians are told to stop being 'so sensitive'.

I would never burn a Koran personally, but this pastor has every right to burn one unmolested.

UsualSuspect said...

Meh. He should have dropped the Pastor moniker and just called himself a performance artist. Add some Christo to the mix, drape a building in blood red silk and then light the match. No problem.

Patsplace said...

You go to jail or die for just having a Bible in certain Muslim countries...and people are flipping out because he wants to burn the hideous manual of violence that they follow? Read my lips, they are our enemies, pure and simple. Any other view of them is a mistake.

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