
Friday, August 27, 2010

The perfect business partner!

My father forwarded me this article that discusses why there are no jobs in the US. And I have to say it is the most accurate description of what is going on that I have ever heard.

It always blows my mind how the far left think that the government is the solution to everything. It's the very reason why the Obama administration (and the Harper government to a lesser degree) believe that government stimulus can turn the recession around. At the same time Obama wants the Bush tax cuts to run out.

The snail's-pace bureaucratic mess that is big government is the least efficient means of stimulating the economy. After taking money out of the economy, they hold onto it, they take their time formulating a plan, they take forever fine-tuning (that being a delusion itself) the plan, they vote on the plan, they legislate the plan, they put the plan out to the different agencies who have to come up with their own plans on how to properly work the plan... with each level taking money out of the budget of the plan... all before any action is even taken.

While if you just cut taxes the effects are instantaneous. Either the consumer will spend more money that is automatically injected into the economy, or they will invest it in banks who will then in turn invest it directly into the economy in the form of either business loans -- which start up new businesses and thus raise employment -- or stock investments which provide funds to companies who will in turn invest it into growing their business -- and their employment -- which goes directly back into the economy.

Personally, I trust businesses to be better at running and growing businesses than any government.

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