
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Pelosi joins Obama on the backpedal express!

It's official: the Democrats are completely politically tone-deaf.

According to CNN, a full 70 percent of Americans oppose the building of a mosque near Ground Zero in New York City, the site of the 9/11 attacks. This isn't a right-wing or left-wing centered argument either. There is a grassroots agreement across the political spectrum that to do so would be a spit in the face of those who lost families in this tragedy.

Just don't tell Nancy Pelosi.

You see, many have questioned who exactly is funding the building of this $100 million mosque. However, House Speaker... sorry, scratch that... clearly outgoing-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's first reaction over this debate is not who is funding the mosque. Instead, she would rather investigate the people who oppose this desecration.

Of course, just as Obama was forced to do last week over his comments about the mosque, Pelosi is now quickly backpedalling to provide "clarification" saying she also wants transparency on who is funding the mosque. And of course, the usual suspects in the mainstream media are falling in line to provide the Democrats cover on this.

You feel it necessary to first call for "investigations" into opponents of the mosque but to call for "transparency" on who funds the mosque?

Sorry... Americans aren't going to buy it.

First off, investigation implies criminal or unethical conduct. To imply that it is possible that the opposition is based in unethical efforts is an attempt to cast a shadow on the opposition. Asking for "transparency" from the mosque builders implies a request for an inside view.

If Nancy Pelosi thinks American are going to buy her feeble "clarifications" she is in for a very upsetting November. Like her so-called progressive allies such as Obama who believe they are speaking over the heads of the riff-raff who simply don't understand their subtle nuances, Pelosi thinks she can just keep talking and it will be okay.

People are smarter than you look down upon them for being Nancy. But go ahead. Feel free to open that mouth again and insert other foot if you like.

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