
Monday, April 18, 2011

New Liberal Attack Ads: the "You Had An Option, Sir" moment of this Election!

I really hope somebody in the Harper camp reads this...

Obviously a lot of us know how the Liberals have released an ad on TV that misattributes a quote made by National Citizens Coalition president David Somerville to Stephen Harper. The Conservatives are of course demanding the Liberals withdraw the ads.


What is the Conservative camp thinking? This is the absolute perfect opportunity to absolutely destroy the Liberals! This IS the, "You had an option, sir" moment of this campaign... and the Conservatives are just going to leave it sitting on the table?!?!

First of all, the Liberals are spending money on these ads. Whatever dollars they have going towards these ads will not be going to other ads.

But secondly and more importantly, they are buying the rope on which they can be hung! There is ample evidence that this quote is an outright lie. All the Conservatives have to do is let this ad play for a few days and then release their own ad that:

  1. Shows who the quote is really from and proves that the Liberal ad is an out and out lie.
  2. Shows how Ignatieff and the Liberals refused to pull the ad when it was proven to be a lie (you know... they had an option?).
  3. Shows to every Canadian just how low the Liberals are willing to go.

Think about it! It is absolutely impossible for that quote to be validated. And so long as the public finds out that the Liberals have been lying to the public in that ad, the Conservatives can paint the entire Liberal campaign with the same brush. If this weakens Liberal support even a little -- and the NDP is starting to draw off Liberal support -- the Conservatives can make their majority and they don't even have to go up in the polls.

I really hope the Conservatives change course in trying to get these ads pull. This could be the perfect check-mate to this whole chess game of a campaign. Right now they are missing a golden opportunity to end this campaign once and for all.


Unknown said...
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Surecure said...

If you're not even going to read what I wrote, I have no interest in what you write.

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