
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Best news all day: the era of Fidel Castro has ended

Finally, after decades of unsustainable Soviet-style communism, Cuba is finally making steps forward to the modern world as Fidel Castro steps down.

As his brother Raul Castro introduces reforms to allow property rights, end price control and ween the public off of complete dependence on the state, we who are pro-freedom and pro-capitalism must encourage the moves. Encouraging is the seeking of ten year term limits on party leadership.

Mind you, a term limit in a still communist state isn't the same as in a democratic state. But a step in the right direction is still a step in the right direction. Here's hoping that the changes will harken a return to prosperity for the Cuban people who have long suffered under the policies of the dictator Fidel.

And we can only hope that the fall of strict communism in Cuba after the fall of strict communism in China will help to shake things up in North Korea, Venezuela and all other communist countries helping them see that free markets encourage competition which results in constant, necessary innovation which leads to a cycle of prosperity for all.

On a side note...

As a musician, I tend to have a specific hatred for the ignorance of what communism does to the creative soul. When you have to get permission to create, to innovate, to express and to perform, art is stifled and expression is not a right. That's why it bothers me when I see artists who simply don't get it.

If you ever want an idea as to how communism can destroy creative freedom, you should check out the movie For Love Or Country: the Arturo Sandoval Story starring Andy Garcia. It tells the true story of Arturo Sandoval, arguably the greatest trumpet player ever and how he had no choice but to flee Cuba to be everything he dreamed of being.

It's both an excellent drama all around but as a true story it is also a lesson in how much the world has been denied such a beautiful culture.


Don said...

I don't support communist countries with my money (I refuse to visit cuba as a tourist, for example), but if there is improvement to involve more capitalism, I'll reconsider. Let's see what happens in the coming year.

OMMAG said...

Property rights?

That would put Cuba well ahead of Canada as an example of a just nation .....if true.

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