
Saturday, July 31, 2010

The Echo Chamber Repeats the Echo Chamber Repeat

"The only thing more expensive than education is ignorance." - Benjamin Franklin

If there is any one argument for the creation of Sun TV -- a.k.a. in Canada "FOX News North" -- it is the one-message pipeline that is the Canadian media. There have been endless incidents of North American news items the Canadian media has reported on without either context or clarity.

One simply need look at the reporting of the proposed Arizona immigration law that would allow Arizona police to request proof of citizenship. The Canadian media has reported much of the accusations of racism and have echoed the left-wing propaganda that this offers Arizona police carte-blanche to stop anybody for any minor offense and grill them on their race... er, sorry... nationality.

And yet those who do not simply swallow what the Canadian news or the left-wing mainstream media forces down our throats know that the Arizona law is in fact less arbitrary than the federal law that has been in place for decades.

But have we heard a single Canadian news organization speak of this more than in passing? Are you kidding?

And in Canada it is no different. In fact, I'm quite inclined to believe that the journolist fiasco that is brewing in the USA is probably already a well established entity in Canadian media circles. After all, how many times have we read an article that criticizes the Harper government for some small, insignificant and not particularly note-worthy issue only to find that the same day you could throw a stone and hit a dozen other media figures who just happened to be touting the same nothing story?

If anything, an alternative source for news that skews the left-leaning mainstream media in this country should be welcomed by all Canadians. After all, we can only better ourselves by challenging our beliefs, no matter how well-informed we believe we are. Because without a view from the other side, one simply cannot be well-informed at all.

One can only be ignorant.

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