
Friday, December 17, 2010

The Thirteenth Step is a Soother

So, addiction researchers at the University of Victoria are suggesting that the price on booze should be raised to curtail the drinking of those working class citizens who pay for it but that governments should give away booze to homeless people.

Yeah. Because people who are stable enough to hold down jobs, house and clothe them and their families need to be protected from themselves. But people who are addicted, refuse to get help in order to improve their lives and are generally unstable? They need their addictions further enabled.

Is it not glaringly obvious the level of hypocrisy in this two pronged suggestion?

If anybody were to suggest legislating societal changes that would force homeless addicts to deal with their problems, they'd be crucified for insensitivity. But it's fine to legislate societal changes that force the stable amongst us to try and become angels.

I think the University of Victoria should suggest government brings in mandatory soothers for all Canadians. That way the image of our citizenry would finally match their intended reality.

1 comment:

dmorris said...

I don't know about soothers,but some Prozac in the water supply might not be a bad idea.

The UVic study shows again that a higher education is sometimes wasted.


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