
Monday, December 6, 2010

Godwin's Law and Canadian politics

It seems that Julian Fantino is under fire for equating the Liberal's tactics to Hitler's with his "Hitler theory". And rightly so. There's no excuse for drawing a comparison between anybody and the Nazis.

Personally, I think that Fantino is suffering from what I call the Michael Jackson theory: surround yourself solely with people who agree with you and you'll lose all grip on reality.

Of course Michael Ignatieff and the Liberals are jumping on this as some great offence deserving of censure. Talk about rich.

Mr. Pot... can I reintroduce you to Mr. Kettle, Liberal MP Derek Lee?

I guess it's okay for one of your own to compare Harper's suspension of parliament to the Nazi burning of the German Reichstag in 1933. No need to censure anybody there, right Iffy?

Perhaps both groups should familiarize themselves with Godwin's Law. This is another example of why people hate politics and thus never switch party allegiances.


Ardvark said...

Uber Conservative blogger Surecure compares Julian Fantino to alleged pedophile!

Tell me I am wrong.

Serena said...

No, you got it right: alleged.

Ardvark said...

For the sake of argument try this then:

Uber Conservative blogger Surecure compares Julian Fantino to pedophile!

Serena said...

Well, now you've gone from being being equally wrong and correct to being wrong on two fronts: Uber Conservative and pedophile.

How's that shovel working out for you?

Ardvark said...

Surecure tries to lesson his role as a conservative blogger after his previous hateful comparison called out.

Serena said...

With the level of conjecture and suggestive narratives on your part there's little wonder why I'm not taking your comments very seriously.

But if you want to engage in intelligent debate, feel free to change your strategy at any time. I'm more than willing to discuss matters rationally if you decide to move into that territory.

Ardvark said...

Are you telling me that by putting Fantino and Jackson's name into the same sentence was NOT intended to be a direct comparison of the 2 men on their respective (pick anything) skin colour, height, singing abilities, politics etc?

That is the current narrative and tactic that is being used against Fantino for putting certain tactics that he faced (note not Liberals themselves) and Hitler into the same sentence.

Was he really making a direct comparison to 'Liberals' and Hitler or perhaps that claim is about as accurate as all my BS I wrote above?

Serena said...

Well, I seem to recall the comparison being related to the way Jackson surrounded himself with people who would agree with him. In fact, having a doctor with the same attitude is what ultimately killed him.

Feel free to re-read what I wrote in case it wasn't apparent the first time you responded.

As for the "tactic" being used against Fantino, it isn't a tactic. I'm not sure what your personal experience is, Ardvark, but most people I know would consider a comparison of anybody with the Nazi's on any level to be contemptible. Hence, Godwin's Law.

I was disgusted when Derek Lee did likewise two years ago. I'm simply holding Fantino to the same standard that I held the Liberals back then. To not do so would be hypocritical of me.

Not that I'm a fan of Fantino if my previous blog postings are any indication thereof.

Ardvark said...

Your comparison was dealing with the people surrounding MJ and Fantino's was about the tactic of repeating lies so often that they end being taken as facts. It was the tactic, not the people, being compared to nazis.(BTW I think it was Goebbels who said it and not Hitler but that is not the point.)

I agree that is almost always stupid to bring Hitler up into the conversation, and in this case shows Fantino's lack of political smarts and was pure stupidity for him to do so, but just as I unfairly slammed and spun your words, I think the Liberals are doing the same thing to Fantino for cheap political gain.

Serena said...

I absolutely agree with you that the Liberals are using this for cheap political gain. As I pointed out, if what Fantino said was so bad, the Liberals should have been equally hard on Liberal MP Derek Lee. They weren't.

And just as it would be with me not to criticize Fantino when I did criticize Lee, it is hypocritical -- though typical -- of the Liberals to do so themselves.

Fantino could have made the statement about repeating lies so often without mentioning the Nazis. You're right that doing so illuminated a certain lack of tactical political thinking on the part of Fantino. And in that, I have to wonder how he got so separated from common sense as to think he could get away with it.

CanadianSense said...

I would add Fantino may have misspoken invoking an incorrect term but not the decision to destroy his reputation.

He was talking about the use of lies about him being repeated during the campaign.

How many Federal by elections does the CBC cover with the AT Issue Panel just before the vote?

If a candidate ignores 2 or three Liberal outlets but provides local and ethnic media outlets access is he hiding or being selective?

How many talking points were repeated on that show that were lifted from the Liberals?


I disagree with the MJ reference as Fantino did not grow up with the life of MJ or surround himself with "yes" people.

If you have actual proof I would reconsider you comparison.

Saying something "stupid" or over the top does make for an MJ bubble.

Serena said...

I'm not suggesting that the comment itself was the sole indicator of some bubble from reality. I started to get that impression of him from the Caledonia fiasco and how he flaunted his authority in extremely unethical manners only to be supported not only by McGuinty but now Harper. And being the OPP Commissioner certainly guarantees that nobody underneath is going to call you to task without risk of autocratic discipline.

It appears to me that the people in power aren't disagreeing with him or holding him to account and those below him have no choice but to tow his line... just like everybody who dealt with MJ.

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