
Saturday, November 20, 2010

Climate Change? SuperGod will stop it!

I just have to shake my head.

First off, I'm a climate change skeptic. The evidence that has been put forth that humans are causing a catastrophic shift in the Earth's climate has more holes than it takes to fill the Albert Hall.

When you have systems that chart sections of Lake Michigan at being well above boiling and of course Michael Mann's "hide the decline" and you have a temperature monitoring system that fails its own basic quality controls, but with the alarmists not even acknowledging it? Sorry, but if somebody can't acknowledge even the most glaring mistakes, they can't be following the scientific method.

And the court of public opinion is swaying away from the alarmists' side to the more rational point of view that the science still needs to be ironed out before we destroy our entire economies chasing a measly 1 degree temperature correction. People are starting to notice how the alarmists' arguments are downright hysterical and that there seems to be a more calm, rational point of view amongst those who aren't really buying into the climate change catastrophe.

And then... we have people like this...

I'm sorry, but what the hell?!? Did I just hear that right? In one breath this guy talks about the "word of God" being infallible while quoting from the Book of Genesis and in the next he's talking about the dinosaurs?

This is why the left and political moderates don't take the skeptical point as seriously as it should. Instead of having scientific discussions to debate scientific issues, we have religious-zealot, government representatives arguing against science with anecdotal creation stories.

It's people like this who drive the whole climate change debate right into the ditch.


Unknown said...

Just focus on CO2 and how it has worked in the past to change the earth climate. The biggest greenhouse gas is water vapour. It is HUGE compared to CO2. Water vapour increases by 4% for every 1 degree F a parcel of air warms. So as you can see, global warming of a degree or so will, on average, place lots of this very powerful greenhouse gas into the air.

when things get colder what happens? Well water vapour comes out of the atmosphere and with less greenhouse gas the atmosphere freezes as the the rest of the water vapour comes out so that earth becomes a snowball.

Well not quite. Because CO2 does not freeze out of the atmosphere and it stays around to provide heating and the volcanoes add to it. So it's the CO2 that saves us.

The earth has been nearly a snowball several times in its lifetime and every time its the CO2 that's saved us.

So if you can understand the physics you can understand why people are so upset about the amount of CO2 we are dumping into the atmosphere. We are dumping about 100 times the amount from all the volcanoes in the world right now. In fact we are the new volcanoes.

People say that there has been lots more CO2 in the atmosphere in the past. Indeed there was, but modern humans were not alive then.

If it happens again, modern humans will die. Why? Because all the critters we need to survive on this planet will die.

hunter said...

co2hound, can you give us a link to a site other than greenpeace that proves you to be correct? My plants love co2, and they in return give us oxygen, seems like co2 is actually essential to life, not like the mercury that we find in those supposedly eco-friendly light bulbs. Another question...what fuel do wind turbines need to operate and why is it okay for them to chop up more birds and bats than the oilsands?

Give it up, we are on to you and your eco-buddies. We understand that you graduate from university with a useless degree and need to create a job for yourself.

We are tired of supporting you and your fake cause. Try going out to Africa and digging a well so they can have water, I might actually respect you if you did that instead of partying in Cancun. Try holding your next conference in the Yukon in January, the cold might knock some sense into your heads.

Serena said...

All the critters we need to survive will die? Must be like how the world is going to turn into a burnt out desert starving all the animals.

I need a good stiff drink...

Serena said...

Oh, and Hunter... the wind turbines don't have to chop up the bats. They just make the bats' lungs explode.

Yep... those wind turbines. Can't possibly have any negative effect.

Hoarfrost said...

co2 hound sounds like he doesn't want to die. That is a good thing maybe. Too many of his contemporaries want to kill off much of the human race to achieve co2hounds goals. I do not want to die and I love my children and my grandchildren. If you do not want to die, Mr. Greenpeace terrorist, please allow my and my progeny to live in a pollution free atmosphere but permit us life giving CO2.

Anon1152 said...

Thank you for posting this. I've saw it recently on an American website that might be described as "liberal".

I tend to be very skeptical. About everything. Even (or especially) about myself. This guy, however, is not on the side of "skepticism". And I'm sure that many so-called "skeptics" are not on the side of skepticism either. He seems far more certain--absolutely certain--than most scientists.

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